Wednesday, December 19, 2007

World turned upside down?

Here is a little idea I have been working on recently. Check it out and vote to help me get $10,000 to make it a reality! Click here:
Promoting responsible consumerism in developing countries!

Idea Description

Most of the world's poor live in the "Global South", including South America, South Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa. While most people are aware of this fact, they often forget about the thriving and rapidly-expanding middle classes that are springing up in places like Brazil, Ghana, and India.

What I would like to do is market fair trade and sweatshop-free merchandise to those CONSUMERS so that they have a chance to make the same responsible choices as those of us living in the United States and Europe.

What will you do if you win $10,000 for this idea?

1. Work with suppliers and exporters to ensure that their workers are paid a living wage and no child labor is used in the production of their products.
2. Begin distribution (using existing contacts) and start marketing "South South" products in a few target markets.
3. Put proceeds towards education and health programs in developing countries.

Potential Challenges

Are consumers in the developing world ready to support fair trade products? My answer is yes! What is yours?


At 6:24 AM, Blogger Valbona Bushi said...

good luck. Sounds like a great idea


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